How the Stafford Garden Angels overcome common gardener’s skin problems

How the Stafford Garden Angels overcome common gardener’s skin problems

The Stafford Garden Angels are a group of female gardeners who tend to gardens across Staffordshire. They were very helpful in informing us what they needed from hand care.

As gardeners we have:

  • Sore hands, rough skin, blisters on our palms, stings and cuts, brittle nails, hands that are chapped in the winter and hot and sweaty in the summer if we wear gloves, so we ditch the gloves.
  • Dry hands with constant washing and hands exposed to the elements
  • Dirt in and around nails that won’t wash off
  • Dry itchy hands that look old
  • We get trapped thorny splinter, sore knuckles, ingrained dirt and cuts
  • My hands get dry and look unkempt
  • Not always practical to wear gloves
  • Hands that get dirtier when wet and drier and chapped when cold

We want:

  • “something that gets hands clean without drying them out”
  • “to find a cream that nourishes and protects hands”
  • “ a hand scrub without salt because salt stings cuts”
  • An antibacterial cream with healing properties

Tips from the gardeners

  • I always put heavy duty cream on my hands before I garden (under my gloves) to help stop them becoming so damaged from work
  • Put a heavy cream on before going to bed and wear cotton gloves overnight for beautifully smooth hands in the morning
  • Re-apply cream every time you wash your hands
  • Scrape nails across a bar of soap before gardening to stop dirt getting under your nails
  • Rub moisturiser into nails and cuticles to keep them looking good
  • Treat your hands by soaking them in a bowl of warm water with a couple of drops of lavender oil then dry them and massage in hand lotion.

Try our gardeners range. It was made just for gardeners to address the same issues that the Stafford Garden Angels suffer. And if you know a gardener, check out our Gardeners Gift Sets.

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